Our Story
Since 2001 Jane’s Honey Bees has been a small family bee farm located in South Surrey, BC. Keeping around 500 honeybee hives, we collect delicious honey, as well as beeswax and pollen from our hives. Our bees forage from Richmond to Abbotsford, on various flowers including Blueberries, Raspberries, Cranberries, Blackberries, Clover, Maple and other trees, and numerous wildflowers.
We sell only honey produced by our bees, harvested and packed by us, to ensure you get the highest quality and best tasting honey!
Jane’s Honey Bees strives to produce the best pure and natural honey possible and loves sharing it with customers at the many farmers markets we attend in the region. We are proud to still have many of the same customers continue to buy honey from us year after year over the 15 or so years we have been selling at markets! We are also happy to work with the same farms for pollination over the years we have been keeping bees in BC, as we know these farmers care as much for our bees, and their hard work, as we do!

Liz & J
J and Liz began beekeeping while living in Calgary. One season was all it took for them to decide this was what they wanted to do! After working for a commercial beekeeper in Southern Alberta for a year, they moved West and have been based in South Surrey every since. While much of the learning about bees happens in the field (and we are still learning so much every year!) J and Liz have taken the Bee Master course at Simon Fraser University and attended Apimondia in France, Ukraine and Montreal to continue to learn and keep up with new developments in beekeeping. Even if you don’t need honey, stop and see them at a farmers market to talk bees if you’re interested!

A colony of honey bees in early spring has 10,000-15,000 bees and grows to about 50,000 – 60,000 bees at its peak in the summer. Each bee only lives for about 6 weeks during the busy summer season, but up to 6 months over the winter.